When animating with the Category and Label value of the Sprite Resolver in the Animation window, it is important to change the keyframe’s tangent in the Animation window to Constant. This simulates a frame-by-frame animation style. Then select the Add Property button, and select the Sprite Resolver component’s Label property.Ĭhange the Label property at each keyframe in the Animation window in the order they should appear for your animation. Open the Animation window, and select your character Prefab. Select your character Prefab and drag it into the Scene view. Add the Sprite for each frame of your animation to this Category, and give them each a unique Label name. In your character Prefab’s Sprite Library Asset (which can be automatically or manually created), add a new Category. It is recommended that you first change the keyframe tangent before continuing with the workflow below: This is useful for simple animations, such as to show a character blinking. By using Sprite Swap, you can create frame-by-frame style animations by swapping to different Sprites on each frame at runtime.